Agile Development for an Influenza Study: First Patients In

Data MATRIX has announced that the first patients have been randomized for its study in influenza and acute respiratory viral infections, with an enrollment target of about 300 patients. 

The ultimate responsibility of the Data MATRIX team is to ensure that products create value for its sponsors and end-users. Therefore, the data managers team has been actively working with local sites, while the developers have been collecting feedback in order to maximize the value of the platform.

«It is very important how feedback can be actioned. What is noteworthy, however, is that most of the queries received from sponsors are related to how sophisticated our interface is. This definitely makes us very proud», — Denis Sokolov, Data MATRIX Product Owner.

Within this project, the Data MATRIX team is responsible for the entire EDC functionality, including randomization, laboratory, coding, ePRO, logistics and final report preparation.

26 December 2019

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